It can be so delicious to dive into the dizzying sea of philosophizing about the infinite power of the universe and the infinite potential of each and every human being.
Getting present to the inter-connectedness of all humanity feels deeply touching, moving and inspiring.
But then we come back to our finite existence with all the little upsets, disappointments and arguments that run rampant through our heads each moment.
And yet, our tedious, annoying finite worlds are often where we find useful qualities like practicality and responsibility. In other words, for most people, finite engagement can be arduous but without it, the trash would never go out, dirty dishes would pile up, and bills would never get paid.
These two worlds feel at odds to most of us. But, in my experience, engaging in the tedium of responsible though mundane tasks with the support and love of other humans is actually THE PASSPORT to harnessing the diving creative power in each one of us.
The attention, integrity and accountability required to keep finances, schedules, spaces and relationships receiving regular upkeep allows us to access the deep infinite power that flows through us at all times.
In fact, I invite you to consider that the only thing blocking this power source is either vagueness or fear. As soon as you reach out for clarity and support, you will experience the surge of power that many of us refer to as a breakthrough.
What would happen if you had structures for achieving clarity and receiving support in place for each and every day if your life? I invite you to consider that your infinite power would be available at a level of mastery that would go beyond the limits of your finite human perception.
Pretty cool, huh? Welcome to the land of miracles.