Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Believe and Achieve

I've been privileged to support a dear friend of mine as she invited some very fancy VIPs to an event where she would be showcasing her creative work on a very intimate level. For the last two weeks, we've talked every day about the VIPs. Sometimes, fear came up. Often, fear brought its good friend doubt. But through it all, we affirmed together, one day at a time, that:

1) She is a wonderful artist who deserves to showcase her work.

2) She matters. She doesn't have to worry about whether or not they'll think she's important. She IS important.

3) She's doing the VIPs a favor by giving them the opportunity to see fabulous new work.

4) Her actions for getting the VIPs to the event can be small, simple and low-pressure. Dial the phone. Ask to speak to so-and-so. Be kind to the assistant. etc...

And she, courageous committed visionary that she is, has stayed the course through the fears and doubts, the yeses and no's.

Today, I received an ecstatic phone call:
"Nora, I reached my goal! I've got the number of VIPs coming that I said I'd have! I can't believe it!"

"Believe it, baby," I said, "you deserve it!"

"Oh, Nora, I'm so happy!"

"As well you should be. And remember, they're lucky to be attending! Oh I just know this is gonna be a magical show for you."

I could not be more proud.

How about you, dear readers, when have you stayed the course on a dream or goal and seen it turn out? Please share!

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