Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Choosing a Life that Loves You

You deserve to be loved. You deserve to to feel good, to breathe easy, to be inspired.

You deserve to take care of yourself. You deserve to feel connected to others. You deserve to be surrounded by love.

Most of us don't know this. But it's true.

What choices are you making today that surround you with love, validation and support?

How are you treating your body? Are you letting it rest? Are you giving it opportunities to loosen, stretch and strengthen? Are you bathing yourself with soap that feels good and smells yummy? Are you putting foods in your body that nourish and nurture it?

How are you treating your spirit? Are you surrounding yourself with loving, supportive people? Are you giving and getting hugs? Are you having fun? Are you showing up with honesty and integrity so that your spirit feels clean and your heart feels open?

I hear a lot of people talking about building a life they love. But what about building a life that loves you? There are plenty of people, places and things I love that don't exactly return the favor. How do I choose the situations that make me feel loved, nurtured, cared for?

I ask myself a simple question: am I comfortable or uncomfortable? If I'm uncomfortable, is it because I'm growing into new territory? Or is it because something just happened that makes me feel unsafe? Many of us are so busy getting through the day, the work, the boss, the traffic, the crowds, that we forget to ask: "How do I feel in relation to what's happening right now? Is this ok with me? Do I feel good in this moment? Or do I feel lousy?"

If I feel lousy, who can I talk to about my feelings? Who can I talk to about my choices?

When we talk to people and reach out for support, we often discover new choices we didn't know we had. Choices that bring us closer to love, closer to peace, closer to living from the knowledge that when we lead happy, purposeful lives. When we make these choices, we are far more capable of generosity, love and compassion than when we are frustrated, annoyed and resentful.

By choosing a life that loves you, you give yourself the ability to love openly, generously, soulfully. By choosing a life that loves you, you give yourself the capacity to attract people who love you, visions that inspire you, and wonderfully synergistic experiences, discoveries, and "coincidences." Some might even call them miracles.

By choosing to take a stand for your own worth and lovability, the old manifestations of worthlessness, rejection and loneliness simply won't have the oxygen to survive in your new world. Sometimes they'll slip away, sometimes they'll march off in a huff. But they will always be replaced by still more abundance and love.

So, what life do you choose today?

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